This thesis discusses how the business value of an invoice system could increase with the use of IT. The issue is analyzed in purpose to determine what business value an electronic invoice system can contribute to from a sender’s perspective and to create a decision base for a recommendation on the eventual usage of electronic invoicing at Volvo Penta…
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose and Focal Question
1.3 Disposition
2 Methodology
2.1 Research Approach
2.2 Research Design
2.3 Data Collection
2.3.1 Desk Research
2.3.2 Case Study
2.4 Analysis
2.5 Report and Study Procedure
2.6 Sources of Error
3 Frame of Reference
3.1 Business Value
3.1.1 Evaluation of IS/IT Business Value
3.2 E-commerce
3.3 Electronic Data Interchange
3.4 Electronic Invoicing
3.4.1 Driving Forces
3.4.2 Negative Aspects
3.4.3 Implementing Issues
3.4.4 Electronic Invoicing in Sweden
3.5 Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment
3.5.1 Presentment Models
3.6 Direct Debit
3.7 Laws and Directives
3.7.1 Invoices Sent by Electronic Means
3.7.2 Swedish Law and Regulations
3.7.3 Mandatory Information for Invoices
4 The Volvo Penta Case
4.1 The Volvo Group
4.2 General and Legal Structure at AB Volvo
4.3 Volvo Penta…
Author: Wendel, Maria,Cokesic, Veronika
Source: Goteborg University
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projects, dissertation, thesis, project report