Found in translation: A comparison of American, German, and Japanese mathematics texts and exercises

This research examines mathematics books and related exercises from Germany, Japan, and the United States. Two grade-9 mathematics texts from both Germany and the U . S . are looked into along with 1 Japanese text. The textbooks are compared employing a variety of qualities: size, weight, organizational structure, page length and certain formatting measures. The exercises, which were obtained from those chapters containing lessons with an emphasis on the Pythagorean Theorem, were reviewed making use of certain categories of criteria: sentence length and type, contextual features, response expectations, and the exercises’ cognitive requirements. Comparisons of the textbooks and exercises were chosen to handle 2 primary research questions. One, how do American books cover so much subject areas than those publications from other countries around the world? Two, how does the nature of the exercises differ from nation to nation? Following a presentation of data, the investigation questions are resolved and …


Chapter 1: Rationale
Visual concerns
The teachers’ role
Research questions
Chapter 2: Methodology
A relatively new area of research
Country selection
Development of study
Chapter 3: Educational issues in Japan, Germany, and the United States
Educational leadership and organization
Textbook use
Lessons and Homework
Chapter 4: Investigation findings and presentation of data
Physical descriptions and formatting details
German textbooks
Japanese textbook
American textbooks
Presentation of data
Chapter 5: Discussion
Research questions
Question 1
Question 2…

Source: University of Maryland

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