This project is on Convection, Flow Boiling, and Porous Foam Coolers. In this report, we will examine an open and foam-filled microgap cooler that gives direct liquid cooling for a simulated electronic/photonic component and gets rid of the problematic thermal resistance of the commonly-used thermal interface material (TIM). The single phase heat transfer and pressure drop outcomes of water are employed to confirm an in depth numerical model and, along with the convective FC-72 data, set up a baseline for microgap cooler performance. The two-phase heat transfer qualities of FC-72 are analyzed at different microgap dimensions, heat fluxes, and mass fluxes and the outcomes are predicted onto a flow regime map. Infrared (IR) thermography is employed to research the two-phase attribute of FC-72 within the channel instantaneously….
Also the single and two-phase heat transfer and pressure drop of porous metal foam that may improve the cooling capacity for low conductive fluid are examined and weighed against the efficiency of the open channel microgap cooler with respect to volumetric heat transfer rate and needed pumping power. The single-phase experimental outcomes have been in good agreement (within 10% error) with classical correlation of single-phase heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in micro single gap channel with heat transfer coefficients up to 23 kW/m2-K at 260 µm gap with water and 5 kW/m2-K at 110 µm gap with FC-72. Annular flow was discovered to control the two-phase behavior in the open channel yielding FC-72 heat transfer coefficients as high as 10 kW/m2-K at 110 µm gap channel. The single-phase pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient experimental outcomes are weighed against existing correlations and achieved 10 kW/m2-K of heat transfer coefficient at 95% porosity and 20PPI with water and 2.85 kW/m2-K with FC-72 at the same configuration…..
Source: University of Maryland
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