Today consumers can use their computer to access a lot of different content on the Internet. But the computer is only one unit, which makes it a constant source of conflict. This could easily be avoided by buying one computer for every member of the family. On the other hand, if you could provide support for Internet content on the IP based set-top box (IP-STB) a real value to the consumers will be added since it would be one less computer to buy and maintain.
This thesis covers the investigation of different content sources on the Internet and the analysis of the requirements they put on a set-top box. It also covers the adaptation of the set-top box to one of these sources. An IP based set-top box (IP-STB) is mainly constructed for access to TV and video distributed over a high speed network…
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem specification
1.3 Work process
1.3.1 Organization
1.3.2 Subgoals
1.4 Document overview
1.5 Reading instruction
1.6 Glossary
2 IP-STB System
2.1 IP-STB
2.2 Hardware
2.3 Software
2.3.1 Media Service
2.3.2 Streamer
3 Internet content overview
3.4 Content type
3.5 Method
3.5.1 Limitations
3.6 Providers
3.6.1 Sveriges Radio,
3.6.2 Sveriges Television,
3.6.3 SHOUTcast,
3.6.4 MSN Radio,
3.6.5 Napster,
3.6.6 TV4,
3.6.7 MTV,
3.6.8 ITunes,
3.6.9 SF anytime,
3.6.10 Live365,
3.6.11 NRJ,
3.6.12 Nordic Web Radio,
3.6.13 TV3,
3.6.14 Kanal5,
3.6.15 ZTV,
3.6.16 Movielink,
3.7 Conclusion
4 Problem analysis
4.1 Content analysis
4.2 IP-STB system analysis
4.3 Choosing content source
4.4 Analysing SR webradio
4.5 SR webradio on the IP-STB
4.6 Requirements
4.6.1 Communication
4.6.2 Streaming HTTP data support
4.6.3 Demonstration application
5 Technology
5.1 cURL
5.1.1 Command line tool, curl
5.1.2 libcurl
5.2 Streaming HTTP protocol
5.2.1 Communication
5.2.2 Server sent ASF header
5.2.3 Client sent HTTP header
5.2.4 Server sent HTTP body data
5.3 Advanced system format, ASF
5.3.1 ASF file structure
6 Implementation
6.1 Communication
6.1.1 Identifying Streaming HTTP
6.1.2 Streaming HTTP header request
6.1.3 Parse Streaming HTTP header
6.1.4 Streaming HTTP data request
6.2 Streaming HTTP data support
6.2.1 Parse Streaming HTTP data
6.2.2 Process ASF data
6.3 Demonstration application
7 Conclusion & Further development
7.1 Conclusion
7.1.1 Investigation and analysis
7.1.2 Adaptation
7.1.3 Streaming HTTP support
7.1.4 Media player
7.1.5 Demonstration application
7.2 Further development
7.2.1 Codec’s
7.2.2 Transport protocols
7.2.3 Streaming HTTP
7.2.4 Streamer
8 References
A Glossary
Author: Widborg, Linus
Source: Linköping University
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