A growing body of research describes consumers as prone to overchoice, causing mental strain of varying severity. While overchoice is said to lead to business effects through e.g. postponed purchases or unpredictable heuristics, little is known about how managers perceive overchoice issues and act on a market struck by overchoice…
The insatiable urge for choice
while consumers start choking
and shiny products gather dust
Heeding calls for further research
Focus of and major limitations to the study
2. METHOD: A review of the research process
A theoretical model to study overchoice issues
A theoretical model to find overchoice stricken markets
The subjects and their subjective theories
3. FRAMEWORK: A model of overchoice concerns
The actual assortment – the manager’s perspective
The actual assortment – the consumer’s perspective
The communicated choice set – talk smart and be clear
The communicated choice set – on the consumer’s own terms
The communicated choice set – lending a helping hand
The assortment through time
Previous managerial perspectives in particular
A summary of previous theory and the framework components
4. FRAMEWORK: Finding a market prone to overchoice
A number of products and attributes
…equally attractive and with non-alignable attributes
…on high involvement issues
…where consumers have little experience
… and an element of pressure exists
The chosen markets
5. DATA: The managers’ tales
Every firm an island
At a loss to overchoice consequences
Taking actions that address overchoice symptoms
Stuck in market practices and circumstances…
Marketing of Abundance
Source: Stockholm School of Economics