Modelling of failure models

This report is a document on various failure models today utilized for identifying failure in thin sheets of high power steels. Concentration has been given on phenomenlogical designs and only some basic simulations have been executed. The phenomenlogical models which are described listed here are of four different types, particularly stress based, strain based, mixed stress and strain based and damaged models. Nevertheless, the simulations have only been preformed for a few of the models.

Contents: Modelling of failure models

1 Introduction
2 Continuum Mechanics
2.1 Constitutive relations
2.2 Tensor transformation

2.3 Kinematics
2.4 Conservation equations
3 Physical mechanisms of fracture
4 Fracture mechanics
5 Damage mechanics
6 Phenomelogic failure models
6.1 Stress dependent failure criteria
6.1.1 Maximum principle stress criterion
6.1.2 Tresca’s and vonMises’ failure criteria
6.1.3 Mohr’sfailurecriterion
6.2 Strain dependent fail urecriteria
6.2.1 Maximum principle strain criterion
6.2.2 Constant equivalent strains criterion
6.2.3 Forming Limit Diagram
6.3 Cockcroft-Latham
6.4 Shear instability
6.5 Damage models
6.5.1 Gurson….

Modelling of failure models

Source: Linköping University

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