Predictive Modeling of Lake Eutrophication

Heavy metals are well-known environmental pollutants. In this dissertation predictive models for heavy metals in urban lakes are talked about and new models offered. The base of predictive modelling is empirical data from field investigations of numerous ecosystems spanning an array of ecosystem characteristics. Predictive models concentrate on the variabilities among lakes and processes managing the major metal fluxes. Sediment and water data for this research were collected from 10 small lakes in the Stockholm area, the Eastern parts of Lake Mälaren, the inner regions of the Stockholm archipelago and from literature studies. By correlating calculated metal loads to the land use of the catchment areas (explaining urban and natural land use), the impacts of the local urban status on the metal load can be assessed. Copper was most influenced by the urban status and less by the regional background…

Contents: Predictive Modeling of Lake Eutrophication

1 Introduction
2 Statistical seismology
2.1 Typical earthquake distributions
2.1.1 Magnitude distribution of earthquakes
2.1.2 Temporal distribution of aftershocks
2.1.3 Spatial distribution of faults and earthquakes
2.2 Earthquake interevent time distributions
2.2.1 Mainshocks – the Poisson interevent time distribution
2.2.2 Aftershocks – the Omori law interevent time distribution
2.3 Earthquakes and self-organised criticalit
2.3.1 Self-organised criticality, the Gutenberg-Richter law and earthquake models
2.3.2 Self-organised criticality and the Omori law
2.3.3 Self-organised criticality and aftershock interevent time distributions
2.3.4 Summarising comment
3 Statistical methods
3.1 Simulation of aftershock sequences obeying the Omori law
3.2 Maximum likelihood estimation of Omori law parameters
3.3 Comparison of two datasets
4 The physics of aftershocks
4.1 Physical models for the occurrence of aftershocks
4.1.1 Rate and state friction
4.1.2 Subcritical crack growth
4.1.3 Transient deformation processes
4.2 Summarising comment
5 Pore pressure diffusion
5.1 Constitutive poroelastic equations
5.2 Earthquake induced stresses and pore pressures
5.3 Poroelastic diffusion equation
5.4 Pore pressure diffusion equation
5.5 Pore pressure diffusion modelling
5.6 Modelling of pore pressure induced seismicity
6 Tectonics of Iceland and the South Iceland Seismic Zone
6.1 Tectonic setting of Iceland
6.2 The South Iceland Seismic Zone
6.2.1 Mechanics of faulting
6.2.2 Historical seismicity
6.3 The SIL network
6.4 The June 2000 earthquakes in the SISZ
6.5 Studied aftershock sequences
6.6 Data completeness in studied aftershock sequences
6.7 Assessment of systematic detection problems
7 Summary of papers…

Source: Uppsala University Library

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