This thesis is based on three papers where I examine some aspects of ethnic and gender-based prejudice and discrimination in hierarchical situations. In Paper I, the existence of ethnic hierarchies is explored. Both immigrant and ethnic Swedes were asked to report their social distance to a number of ethnic groups represented in their geographical area. The results showed that hierarchies exist in…
A brief background
Social hierarchies
Prejudice and stereotyping
Social dominance
Why social hierarchies are of interest when studying prejudice and discrimination
Why social dominance orientation is of interest when studying prejudice and discrimination
Major aims and research question
General aim
Specific aims
Measuring ethnic hierarchies
Ethnic prejudice
The social dominance orientation (SDO) scale
Discrimination measure based on Weiner’s model of social conduct
The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)
Gender identification
Statistical issues
Empirical studies…
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