Heavy metals are well-known environmental pollutants. In this dissertation predictive models for heavy metals in urban lakes are talked about and new models offered. The base of predictive modelling is empirical data from field investigations of numerous ecosystems spanning an array of
Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus is a commercially and ecologically important bottom-associated fish that occurs in marine and estuarine systems from Cape Cod, MA to Mexico. I documented the temporal and spatial variability in the diet of Atlantic croaker in Chesapeake Bay and
The understanding of value is often described in terms of an industrial view in which value creation is linear, additive process. The emerging view takes a different approach to value creation: it’s interactive, relationships-based and synchronic. But either of these views capture
Many of the earth’s ecosystems are experiencing large species losses due to human impacts such as habitat destruction and fragmentation, climate change, species invasions, pollution, and overfishing. Due to the complex interactions between species in food webs the extinction of one species
Riparian forests are unique due to increased exposure of trees to winds and radiation and the subsequent effects on the quality and quantity of water discharge from the system. Since “edge effects” can enhance evapotranspiration (ET) of exposed trees, ET rates of
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