Strategic alliances are extensively employed in the automotive, electronics, computer telecommunications, airlines and hi-technology network-oriented industries. The airline industry has become one of the most competitive industries lately. Considerable works have been dedicated to studying airline alliances. Having said that, existing studies
This dissertation explores and analyses factors which could facilitate Knowledge Harvesting, and also how important it is for the parent companies. Knowledge Harvesting is one of the knowledge processes within an international joint venture network that has not received much attention from the academic community.
The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. First the researcher wants to investigate the gradation of information needs, in order to made a classification of important information and communication aspects of the focal organisation EnerSearch. Secondly, in order to state a classification
In the 1960’s, the Japanese car manufacturer Toyota developed target costing – a management accounting model that reduces the risk of releasing unprofitable products. The method eventually spread to Swedish firms. The study starts by summing recent previous research on target costing
The airline industry has previously been a heavy regulated industry with partially state-owned airlines and controlled competition across borders. This put the traditional airlines in a comfortable position in their domestic markets as new entrants were few due to regulations and other
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