In this project our main intent is to investigate the application of Wireless Sensor Networks to carry out online activity matching for sports coaching applications. We wish to discover at least one suitable algorithm to match the movement of a trainer and to find spatial and temporal differences. This type of system can undoubtedly assist the trainer in group lessons where it actually is tough for the trainer to keep a record of all the trainees.
Power minimization is a critical challenge for modern embedded system design. Recently, due to the rapid increase of system’s complexity and the power density, there is a growing need for power control techniques at various design levels. Meanwhile, due to technology scaling,
AQF protocol is a novel approach to authenticate queries in wireless sensor networks to avoid that anybody can inject fake queries in to WSN and likewise to avoid modification of legitimate queries by adversary. Because in any sensor network, sensor nodes are
Sensor networks have diverse structures and generally employ proprietary protocols to gather useful information about the physical world. This diversity generates problems to interact with these sensors since custom APIs are needed which are tedious, error prone and have steep learning curve.
In this thesis, we study the important issues in query processing in a wireless sensor system in which sensor nodes are distributed to monitor the events occurred in the environment. Each sensor node maintains a database, called sensor database [MFH02], for the
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