In the thesis the advantages with Text over IP (ToIP) is explained and it is motivated why it is a good idea to integrate this in Asterisk. It also presents an implementation of a ToIP extension in Asterisk.ToIP means communicating over a network based on Internet protocols with real-time text. Real-time text means a character is sent to the receiving terminal as soon the sender has typed it or with a small delay.In the thesis IM and ToIP is compared in a survey. The result point at IM is not better than ToIP even though it is much more commonly used. VoIP can not replace ToIP either because there are occasions when ToIP is better for instance if the person using it is deaf or if a person want to make a private conversation in a noisy room.Asterisk is an IP-PBX. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange which means a private telephone system which is part of a larger network system that exchange information.An IP-PBX is a PBX based on the Internet…
1 Introduction
1.1 About the thesis
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Method
1.4 Problem
1.5 Goal
1.6 Delimitations
2 Documentation overview
3 Different Types of Networks
3.1 Circuit Switched Network
3.2 Packet Switched Networks
3.2.1 Connection Oriented Packet Switched Network
3.2.2 Connectionless Packet Switched Network
4 Communication over Internet Protocol
4.1 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
4.2 Text Based Communication over IP
4.2.1 Instant Messaging
4.2.2 Text over Internet Protocol (ToIP)
4.2.3 Difference between ToIP and VoIP
5 Comparison between Real-Time Text Conversation and Message Oriented Text Communication
5.1 Background and goal
5.2 Survey implementation
5.3 Trial users
5.4 Questions asked after the trial
5.5 Result
5.6 Conclusions
6 Protocol used for VoIP and ToIP
6.1 Session Initiated Protocol (SIP)
6.1.1 Components in a SIP call
6.1.2 Call set up with SIP
6.2 Session Description Protocol (SDP)
6.3 Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
6.4 RTP Payload for Text Conversation
6.4.1 T140 with redundancy
6.4.2 How t140 with redundancy is packed
6.4.3 T140 with redundancy compared to message oriented methods
6.4.4 UTF-8
6.4.5 Applications that supports RFC 4103
7 Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
7.1 Functionality
7.2 IP-PBX
8 Asterisk
8.1 Functionality
8.2 Architecture
8.2.1 Asterisk’s API
8.2.2 The Dialplan
8.2.3 Core
9 Interoperability
9.1 Standards
9.1.1 Standardization organizations
9.1.2 Internet Standards
9.2 Why Interoperability is important
9.3 Interoperability according to the implementation
10 Analysis
11 Implementation
11.1 Prerequisites
11.2 Requirements
11.3 Design
11.3.1 Design issues
11.3.2 Design decisions
11.3.3 Description of the implementation
11.3.4 Test
11.3.5 About the test
11.3.6 Test case parameters
11.3.7 The implementation of the test
11.3.8 Limitations
11.3.9 About the testcases
11.4 Testcases
11.4.1 Test Result Conclusions
12.1 What is left to do
12.2 Future Work
13 References
13.1 Books and publications
13.2 Standards
13.3 Information about specific products and companies based on their official websites
13.4 Information from Wikipedia
A How to configure and run Asterisk
A.2 Running and testing
A.3 Configuration files
A.3.1 extensions.conf
A.3.2 sip.conf
B How to add a new application
C Changes in the source code
C.1 Source code
C.1.1 Changes in the source code
C.1.2 The test application
Author: Horlin, Sara
Source: Linkoping University
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