I examined the effects of vocabulary instruction in theme-related words on students’ knowledge of these words, knowledge about the themes, use of these words in their writing, and quality of their writing. Thirty-one third graders, identified as average and below average writers, based on their pre-intervention scores on the Test of Written Language-3 (Hammill & Larsen, 1996) participated in this study…
Chapter 1: Introduction
Importance of Writing
Composing Challenges Experienced by Beginning Average Writers and Struggling Writers
Vocabulary Characteristics of Struggling Writers
Importance of Vocabulary in Writing
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Description of the Current Study
Research Questions
Expected Outcomes
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Overview of Writing
Writing Difficulties
Characteristics of Struggling Writers and Students with LD
Lower-level Writing Problems
Higher-level Writing Problems
Skills and Strategies Needed for Successful Writing
Importance of Vocabulary to Writing
Vocabulary and Teachers’ Ratings
Predictive Validity of Vocabulary Scores
Vocabulary Instruction and Improvements in Writing Quality
How does Vocabulary Develop
Vocabulary Assessment
Complexity of Word Knowledge
Assessing Knowledge of Word Meanings
Functional Use of Content Area Words
Word Appropriateness
Word Diversity
Vocabulary Maturity or Uniqueness
Word Size
Reliability and Validity Issues of Vocabulary Measures
Progress over Time
Differentiation between Different Ability Groups
Relationship between Vocabulary Measures and Measures of Intelligence
Vocabulary Characteristics of Struggling Learners and Students with LD
Writing Vocabulary Differences Between Struggling Learners and Students With
Disabilities and Students Without Disabilities
Vocabulary Instruction
Indirect Vocabulary Instruction
Direct Vocabulary Instruction
Multimedia Method/Computer
Semantic Mapping/Semantic Feature Analysis
Keyword Method
Jenkins and Beck Methods
Restructuring the Vocabulary-learning Task
Instruction on Prefixes
Chapter 3: Method
Pilot Study
Participants and Setting
Instructional Procedures
Instructional Changes
Assessment Changes
Other Changes
Main Study
District Demographics
Instructional Setting
Number of Students
Instructional Procedures
Theme Selection
Word Selection
Specific Instructional Procedures
Vocabulary Instruction Condition
Minimal-treatment, Control Condition
General Procedures
Fidelity of Treatment Implementation
Tape-recorded Sessions
Dependent Measures Overview
Information about EVT
Vocabulary Multiple-choice Test
Vocabulary Test Development
Vocabulary Test Administration
Vocabulary Test Scoring Procedures
Story Writing Test…
Source: University of Maryland