The Construct of PE

The objective of the study was to investigate the construction of Physical education(PE) in high school students. Participants were 3 female and 5 male high school students, 16-18 years of age. The participants came from 3 different schools in Malmö and differed in amount of conducted physical activity outside of school. Qualitative interviews were conducted and content analyzed. The result showed that the construct of PE was composed by 4 dimensions; Athletic-, Body and Gender-, Scholastic- and Social dimensions. The result can be helpful to understand, interpret and analyze students’ behavior during PE and, in addition, to develop the content and execution of PE in the future.


1 Introduction
1.1 Cognition
1.2 Identity
1.2.1 Social identity
1.2.2 Personal identity
1.2.3 Implications of identity
1.3 Why investigate identity in the context of PE?
2 Purpose of the study and question at issue
3 Method
3.1 Design
3.2 Participants
3.3 Instrument
3.4 Procedure
3.5 Data analysis
4 Results
4.1 Athletic dimensions
4.2 Body and gender dimensions
4.3 Scholastic dimensions
4.4 Social dimensions
5 Discussion
5.1 Summary of results
5.2 Result discussion
5.2.1 Athletic dimensions
5.2.2 Body and gender dimensions
5.2.3 Scholastic dimensions
5.2.4 Social dimensions
5.3 Method discussion and limitations of the study
5.4 Future research
5.5 Implications
5.6 Conclusions
Appendix A – Intervjuguide

Author: Richard, Tobias

Source: Malmo University

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