Purpose: To find out which are the defining characteristics of a good logo, from a scientific point of view.
Method: We have used a qualitative method consisting of interviews with experts within the marketing area with the goal to test the Swedish point of view against the one in the literature. We also used a quantitative method to investigate the publics attitude towards the test logos we created. The purpose of this poll is to test different colour combinations and how the market segments feel about them. In this poll we used statistical methods to make sure that the age limits and the number of male and female respondents are correct.We executed another quantitative study towards Swedish marketing companies to create an idea of the businesses thoughts about a good logo are.
Results: A good logo is a simple symbol or geometrical form consisting of a combination of colours that reflect the company’s core values, visions and goals. It should be focused on the primary market segment and so unique that it can be trademarked.
Geometrically a good logo should be wider than it is high and not easily associated to symbols that might offend people of any culture. In the aspect of colour it is important that a logo attracts the viewer and truly submit the messages intended. Our study shows examples on which combinations that may function with a specific target group.
Author: Vladimir Zunkovic, Fredrik Dahlin
Source: Blekinge Institute of Technology
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