A Mutation-based Framework for Automated Testing of Timeliness

A problem when testing timeliness of event-triggered real-time systems is that response times depend on the execution order of concurrent tasks. Conventional testing methods ignore task interleaving and timing and thus do not help determine which execution orders need to be exercised to gain confidence in temporal correctness. This thesis presents and evaluates a framework for testing of timeliness that is based on mutation testing theory…


1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Results and Contributions
1.3 Thesis Outline
I Timeliness Demise
2 Dynamic Real-Time Systems
2.1 Real-time System Preliminaries
2.2 Tasks and Resources
2.3 Design and Scheduling
3 Testing Real-time Systems
3.1 Software Testing Preliminaries
3.2 Testing Criteria
3.3 Issues when Testing Real-Time Systems
3.4 Testing of Timeliness
3.5 Timeliness Faults, Errors and Failures
4 Problem Definition: Testing Dynamic Real-Time Systems
4.1 Purpose
4.2 Motivation for Automated Testing of Timeliness
4.3 Problem Definition
4.4 Approach and Delimitations
4.4.1 Thesis Statement
4.4.2 Objectives
II Rise of the Mutated Models
5 A Framework for Testing Dynamic Real-Time Systems
5.1 Framework Overview
5.2 Timeliness Test Cases
5.3 Mutation-based Test Case Generation
5.4 Test Execution
6 Mutation-based Testing Criteria for Timeliness
6.1 Motivation
6.2 Adopted Modelling Formalism
6.3 Mutation Operators
6.3.1 Task Set Mutation Operators
6.3.2 Automata Mutation Operators
6.4 Mutation-based Testing Criteria
6.5 Generation of Test Cases Using Model-Checking
6.6 Validation of Mutation Operators
7 Generation of Test Cases Using Heuristic-driven Simulations
7.1 Motivation
7.2 Genetic Algorithms for Test case Generation
7.2.1 Genome Mapping Function
7.2.2 Fitness Function
7.2.3 Heuristic Cross-over Functions
7.3 Testing of Time Dependent Control Performance
7.4 Test Case Generation Experiments
7.4.1 Base-line Real-time System
7.4.2 Complex Dynamic Real-time System
7.4.3 Mixed Load Real-time Control System
III Empiricism strikes back
8 T3: A Tool for Mutation-based Testing of Timeliness
8.1 Overview
8.2 Flextime Simulator Extensions
8.2.1 TrueTime
8.2.2 Task Sets and Execution Patterns
8.2.3 Activation Patterns
8.3 Test Case Generation Support
8.3.1 Modes for Generating Test Cases
8.3.2 Support for Task Instance Modelling
9 Case Study: Testing using the Mutation-based Framework
9.1 Overview
9.2 A Flexcon Demonstrator Prototype
9.2.1 Real-time Design
9.2.2 Target Platform
9.2.3 Test Harness
9.2.4 Task Implementation
9.3 Applying the Framework for Testing of Timeliness
9.3.1 Constructing Task Input Data
9.3.2 Combining Task Input Data for System Level Testing
9.4 Demonstrator Testing Experiments
9.4.1 Experiment 1 – Framework Testing Effectiveness
9.4.2 Experiment 2 – Effectiveness with Seeded Errors
10 Discussion
10.1 Mutation Operators and Testing Criteria
10.1.1 System Specific Mutation Operators
10.1.2 Guidelines for Adding Mutation Operators
10.2 Test Case Generation Issues
10.2.1 Scalability of Test Case Generation
10.2.2 Genetic Algorithm Enhancements
10.3 Prefix-based Test Case Execution
10.3.1 Prefixed Test Cases for Testing of Timeliness
10.3.2 …….

Author: Nilsson, Robert

Source: Linköping University

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