The transport of intense beams for advanced accelerator applications with high-intensity beams such as heavy-ion inertial fusion, spallation neutron sources, and intense light sources requires tight control of beam characteristics over long distances. The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER), which uses low energy, high current electron beams to model the transport physics of intense space-charge-dominated beams, employs real-time beam characterization and control in order to optimize beam quality throughout the strong focusing lattice. We describe in this dissertation the main beam control techniques used in UMER, which include optimal beam steering by quadrupole scans, beam rotation correction using a skew corrector, rms envelope matching and optimization, empirical envelope matching, beam injection, and phase space reconstruction using a tomographic method. Using these control techniques, we achieved the design goals for UMER. The procedure is not only indispensable for optim…

Author: Li, Hui

Source: University of Maryland

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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Beam Physics Background
1.2 UMER Parameters, Magnets and Diagnostics
1.3 Beam Control System
1.4 Outline of this Dissertation
Chapter 2 Beam Steering
2.1 Optimal Beam Steering
2.2 Beam Steering Experiments
Chapter 3 Beam Rotation Correction
3.1 Skew Quadrupole Design
3.2 Skew Quadrupole Field Measurements
3.3 Skew Quadrupole Testing in the Injector Line
3.4 Beam Rotation Correction in the Ring Lattice
Chapter 4 Beam Matching
4.1 Beam Physics Background
4.2 Ring Lattice Design
4.3 Matching Section Design
4.4 Empirical Beam Matching
Chapter 5 Beam Injection for Multi-turn Operations
5.1 Beam Optics Background
5.2 Beam Centroid Control
5.3 Quadrupole Field Gradient along the Orbit
5.4 Beam Matching
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Beam Phase Space Tomography
6.1 Algorithms
6.2 Tomography Experiments For Low Intensity Beams
6.3 Tomography Experiments for Beams with Space-charge
Chapter 7 Summary and Conclusion

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