Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks

Since the 1930s, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has controlled the radio frequency energy spectrum. They license segments to particular users in particular geographic areas. A few, small, unlicensed bands were left open for anyone to use as long as they followed certain power regulations…


1 Introduction
2 Foundations
2.1 Cognitive Radio Evolution
2.2 Information Theory Primer
2.3 Multiple Access
3 Interference Temperature Model
3.1 Interference Temperature
3.1.1 Ideal Model
3.1.2 Generalized Model
3.2 Measuring Interference Temperature
3.2.1 Properties of Interference Temperature
3.2.2 Capacity in the Ideal Model
3.2.3 Capacity in the Generalized Model
3.2.4 Solving for Capacity
3.3 Frequency Selection
3.4 Network Capacity Analysis Model
3.4.1 Model Geometry
3.4.2 Wireless WAN
3.4.3 Wireless LAN
3.5 Impact to Licensed Users
3.5.1 Selection of TL
3.5.2 Selection of M
3.6 Conclusion
4 Interference Temperature Multiple Access
4.1 ITMA PHY Layer
4.2 Basic ITMA MAC Layer
4.3 Higher MAC Functions
4.3.1 Center Frequency Selection
4.3.2 Statistics Exchange
4.3.3 Hidden Terminal Problem
4.4 Simple Example
4.5 Network Analysis
4.6 ITMA Simulator…

Author: Clancy, Thomas Charles

Source: University of Maryland

Projects, Dissertation, Thesis

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