Efficient drive cycle simulation of longitudinal vehicle propulsion models is an important aid for design and analysis of power trains. Tools on the market today mainly use two different methods for such simulations, forward dynamic or quasi-static inverse simulation. Here known theory for stable inversion of non linear systems is used in order to combine the fast simulation times of the quasi-static inverse simulation with the ability of including transient dynamics as in the forward dynamic simulation. The stable inversion technique with a new implicit driver model together forms a new concept, inverse dynamic simulation. This technique is demonstrated feasible for vehicle propulsion simulation and specifically on three powertrain applications that include important dynamics that can not be handled using quasi-static inverse simulation. The extensions are engine dynamics, drive line dynamics, and gas flow dynamics for diesel engines, which also are selected to represent important properties such as zero dynamics, resonances, and non-minimum phase systems…
It is shown that inverse dynamic simulation is easy to set up, gives short simulation times, and gives consistent results for design space exploration. This makes inverse dynamic simulation a suitable method to use for drive cycle simulation, especially in situations requiring many simulations, such as optimization over design space, powertrain configuration optimization, or development of powertrain control strategies. Optimal vehicle propulsion control is developed with special focus on heavy trucks used for long haulage. The power to mass ratio for a typical heavy duty truck makes even moderate road slopes significant in the sense that it is impossible to keep a constant cruising speed. This gives an interesting problem how to control vehicle speed such that fuel consumption is minimized. Todays telematic systems together with three dimensional roadmaps can provide the vehicle control system with information of the road topography. This enables intelligent cruise controllers that utilize this information to control engine fueling and gear shifting such that an optimal speed trajectory is obtained…
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Source: Linköping University