Factors Influencing Glutathione S-transferases in Daphnia magna

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) seem to be an essential group of xenobiotic biotransforming enzymes which may generate toxicity tests variable. Daphnia magna is usually applied to ecotoxicology testing since they’re not hard to culture, possess a short life cycle, and reproduce by parthenogenesis. The particular activities of glutathione S-transferases were identified in D. magna of various ages and D. magna with eggs and without having eggs within their brood chambers and in each situation there was clearly a substantial variation in the particular activity involving the groups. D. magna were exposed to clofibrate and it was established that clofibrate doesn’t drastically modify the certain activities of GSTs in D. magna. Glutathione S-transferases were purified from D. magna utilizing affinity chromatography and so the purified sample was run using a SDS-PAGE gel to ascertain the molecular weight of the subunits of glutathione S-transferases that fell in the range which was in line with prior reports…

Contents: Factors Influencing Glutathione S-transferases in Daphnia magna

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Xenobiotic Biotransforming Enzymes
Glutathione Stransferase
Nomenclature of Glutathione Stransferases
Activity Sites of Different Classes
Invertebrate Glutathione Stransferase
Assay for Glutathione Stransferase Activity
Induction of Glutathione Stransferases
Amino Acid Sequences of Glutathione Stransferases
Daphnia magna
Glutathione Stransferases and D. magna
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Chapter 3: Materials and Methods
Daphnia magna cultures
Age Dependent Experiment
Clofibrate Induction Experiments
Mixed Age Samples
Glutathione Stransferase
Specific Activity Assay
affinity chromatography

Source: University of Maryland

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