The overall objective of the Wallenberg Laboratory for Information Technology and Autonomous Systems (WITAS) at Linköping University is the development of an intelligent command and control system, containing vision sensors, which supports the operation of a unmanned air vehicle (UAV) in both semi- and full-autonomy modes. One of the UAV platforms of choice is the APID-MK3 unmanned helicopter, by Scandicraft Systems AB…
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.1.1 Why aggressive manoeuvrability
1.1.2 Why fuzzy gain scheduling ?
1.1.3 Why not conventional gain scheduling ?
1.2 Related Work
1.2.1 The Berkeley Aerorobot Team
1.2.2 The Georgia Tech Aerial Robotics Mission
1.2.3 The MIT Backstepping Controller
1.2.4 The Compiegne University Controller
1.2.5 The Fuzzy Unmanned Helicopter
1.3 The Purpose of the Thesis
1.4 Publications
1.5 Contributions
1.6 Outline of the thesis
2 The helicopter model
2.1 Helicopter basic concepts
2.2 A general model
2.2.1 General kinematics and dynamics
2.2.2 Nature of the model
2.3 Equations of motion
2.3.1 Translational motion
2.3.2 Rotational motion
2.4 Mathematical model of APID-MK3
2.4.1 APID-MK3 general model
2.4.2 Longitudinal motion model
2.4.3 Lateral motion model
2.4.4 Vertical motion model
2.4.5 Roll model
2.4.6 Pitch model
2.4.7 Yaw model
2.5 Comparison with other helicopter models
2.5.1 The Berkeley model
2.5.2 The CMU model
2.6 Summary
3 Flight Controller Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The control scheme
3.3 Fuzzy Gain-Scheduled Control
3.3.1 Structure of the Takagi-Sugeno model
3.3.2 TS models for dynamical systems
3.3.3 Obtaining TS fuzzy models
3.3.4 Takagi-Sugeno controllers….
Author: Kadmiry, Bourhane
Source: Linköping University