Validation of the Instructional Consultation Teams Level of Implementation Scale

This report is targeted on Validation of the Instructional Consultation Teams Level of Implementation ScaleConsultation has actually been offered as a feasible indirect service delivery system pertaining to schools (Sheridan & Gutkin, 2000), empowering educators along with other specialists to aid learners by getting help via collaborative problem solving. Experts have delineated components and characteristics regarded as crucial in consultation processes (Conoley, 1981). It really is tough to make sure if the procedure for consultation is being implemented in the manner it was intended, or if it’s being implemented with integrity. There is certainly growing recognition that the majority of research studies haven’t analyzed the treatment integrity of consultation (Gutkin, 1993). Experts are increasingly expected to assess the integrity with which consultees put into action interventions designed within consultation. Unfortunately, you will find there’s gap in the literature on the treatment integrity of the consultation process itself. Instructional Consultation Teams is known as a collaboration model which has been employed in many different schools…


Chapter 1: The Problem
Instructional Consultation
Importance of Treatment Integrity and Level of Implementation
Treatment Integrity
Treatment Integrity in Consultation
Level of Implementation
Level of Implementation Scale for Instructional
Challenges with Self-reports and Interviews
Statement of the Problem
Definition of Terms
Instructional Consultation
Level of Implementation
Critical Dimensions
Level of Implementation- Tape Version
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature
General Characteristics
Instructional Consultation
Entry and contracting
Problem Identification and Analysis
Intervention Planning and Development
Intervention Implementation, Evaluation, and Modification
Prereferral, Problem Solving, and Consultation Teams
General trends
Team characteristics
Team processes
Outcomes research on problem solving teams
Level of Implementation for School Based Problem
Solving Teams
Level of Implementation Research for Instructional
Consultation Teams
Challenges with Self-Report Interview Measures
Memory Errors
Interview Strategies to Improve Recall
Need for Verification/Validation Techniques
Treatment Integrity
Importance in Research
Treatment Integrity in School Interventions
Treatment Integrity in Consultation Process
Level of Implementation
Relationship Between Treatment Integrity and Level of Implementation
Level of Implementation in Program Evaluation
Chapter 3: Methodology
Participant Selection/Recruitment
Descriptive Data
School systems
Level of Implementation Scale- Revised (LOI-R)
Case Manager and Teacher Interview forms
Scale validity and reliability measures
Interrater reliability
Level of Implementation- Tape Version
Protocol development
Interrater reliability
Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Results
Research Question 1
Summary of the Available Data
Individual Item Responses
Item Implementation Results
Dimension Data
Research Question 2
Research Question 3
Item Comparison
Dimension Comparisons
Summary data
Line graph data
Individual case analysis
Chapter 5: Discussion
High Implementation of the Instructional Consultation ProcessAs Determined by Level of Implementation
Comparison of LOI-R and Level of Implementation- Tape
Version Results
Item Comparisons
Dimension Comparisons
Individual Case Comparisons
Unavailable Audiotapes
Not Applicable Items
Lack of Behavioral Cases
Solicited Cases from Agreeable Teachers
Participant Characteristics
High Levels of Implementation
Diverse participant group factors
Importance of training
Influence of audiotaping
Influence of coaching
Validation of the LOI-R
Evidence of validity
Program evaluation
LOI-R interview process
Areas for Future Research
High implementation
Cases with behavioral referral concerns…

Validation of the Instructional Consultation Teams Level of Implementation Scale Downloads

Source: University of Maryland

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