My primary purpose with this paper is to penetrate the question; how to manage the internal factors in an innovation project. I also have a secondary purpose that is to see if the case survey methodology is a sufficient method in order to penetrate the primary purpose.
I have chosen to use the case survey methodology in this paper. The case survey method is a way of combining qualitative secondary data with quantitative research method. I created questions that were put into a coding scheme/questionnaire the questions were developed with help theories about organization, strategy and innovation management. The questions in the coding scheme are based on theories about leadership, structure, culture, resistance and learning. The quantitative data that is gathered thorough the coding scheme is analyzed and general conclusions can be drawn from qualitative data.
Results: If to innovate there are a number of factors that should be considered, if to innovate a radical or an incremental innovation, if it is a product or a process does not matter. Radical and incremental differ in the size of the firm, flexible and decentralized structure of the project. Resistance arises against the radical innovation projects. This resistance come from the outside of the project and can be catalyzed by existing products that could be terminated by the new innovation. Previous failures can arise a resistance towards new innovation projects but what should be done is to use the failures and to learn from them.It turned out that the case survey methodology was not that efficient to penetrate the primary purpose. Although I knew of the flaws of the methodology it was harder to avoid them than I thought.The lesson of this is, study your own and others failures and make the knowledge about them into an asset in future projects.
Author: Mee Wännman
Source: Blekinge Institute of Technology
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