Memory Efficient Hard Real-Time Garbage Collection

As the development of hardware progresses, computers are expected to solve increasingly complex problems. However, solving more complex problems requires more complex software. To be able to develop these software systems, new programming languages with new features and higher abstraction levels are introduced…

These features are designed to ease development, but sometimes they also make the runtime behavior unpredictable. Such features can not be used in real-time systems. A feature that traditionally has been unpredictable is garbage collection. Moreover, even though a garbage collector…


1 Introduction
1.1 Perspective
1.2 Problem Definition
1.3 Contributions
1.4 Thesis Organization
1.5 Publications
2 Real-Time Systems
2.1 Definition
2.2 Categorizing Real-Time Systems
2.2.1 Interactive Systems
2.2.2 Soft Real-Time
2.2.3 Hard Real-Time
2.3 Predictability
2.3.1 Execution Time
2.3.2 Memory Usage
2.4 Scheduling
2.4.1 Cyclic Executive
2.4.2 Pre-emptive Priority Scheduling
2.5 Which Systems Are Hard?
3 Garbage Collection Techniques
3.1 Terminology
3.2 Reference Countin
3.2.1 Lazy Reference Counting
3.2.2 Cyclic Reference Counting
3.2.3 Bobrow’s Approach to Reclaim Cycles
3.2.4 Deferred Reference Counting
3.3 Mark-and-Sweep
3.3.1 Incremental Mark-and-Sweep
3.3.2 Yuasa’s Algorithm
3.3.3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm
3.4 Mark-and-Compact
3.4.1 Compaction Methods
3.4.2 Steele’s Incremental Mark-and-Compact Algorithm
3.4.3 Bengtsson’s Mark-and-Compact Algorithm
3.5 Copying Algorithms
3.5.1 Cheney’s Algorithm
3.5.2 Incremental Copying Algorithms
3.6 Generation Scavenging
3.6.1 Inter-generational References
3.6.2 Promotion Strategies
3.6.3 The Train Algorithm
3.6.4 Beltway Collectors
3.7 Replication Copying
3.8 The Treadmill
3.9 Hardware-Supported Garbage Collection
3.10 Requirements of a Hard Real-Time GC
3.11 Algorithm Analysis
3.11.1 Reference Counting
3.11.2 Mark-and-Sweep
3.11.3 Mark-and-Compact
3.11.4 Two Sub-Heap Copying
3.11.5 Generational Scavenging
3.11.6 Replication Copying
3.11.7 Baker’s Treadmill
3.11.8 Hardware Solutions
3.12 Summary
4 Real-Time Reference Counting
4.1 Drawbacks of Standard Reference Counting
4.2 Eliminating External Fragmentation
4.2.1 Selecting the Block Size
4.3 Eliminating Recursive Freeing
4.4 Improving WCET of Allocation
4.5 Manually Reclaiming Cycles
4.5.1 Manually Breaking Cycles
4.5.2 Weak References
4.5.3 Balloon Types
4.6 Automatically Reclaiming Cycles
4.6.1 Mark-and-Sweep Backup
4.7 Design
4.7.1 Configuration
4.7.2 Type Definitions
4.7.3 Global State
4.7.4 Initialization
4.7.5 Allocation
4.7.6 Increasing Allocation Performance
4.7.7 Releasing References
4.7.8 Public Interfac
4.8 Complexity and Overhead
4.8.1 Execution Time
4.8.2 Memory
4.9 Emitted GC Code
4.9.1 Allocations
4.9.2 Reference Assignments
4.9.3 Method Calls
4.9.4 Methods
4.10 RTRC vs. The Competition
4.10.1 Execution time
4.10.2 Memory Overhead
4.11 Summary
5 Object Ownership
5.1 Basic Idea
5.2 Owning an Object
5.3 Static Analysis
5.3.1 Supporting Separate Compilation
5.4 Benchmarks
5.5 Extensions
5.5.1 Explicit Freeing
5.5.2 Overlapping References
5.5.3 Supporting Other GC Techniques
5.6 Summary
6 Static Garbage Collection
6.1 Overview
6.2 Optimizing Memory Management
6.2.1 Static Allocation
6.2.2 Thread Local Allocation
6.2.3 Stack Allocation
6.2.4 Explicit Freeing
6.2.5 Variable Sized Objects
6.2.6 An Example
6.3 Extended Escape Analysis
6.3.1 The Data Flow Graph
6.3.2 Building the Data Flow Graph
6.3.3 Converting the Call Graph into a Tree
6.3.4 The Escape Analysis
6.4 Code Generator Extensions
6.5 Limitations
6.5.1 Handling Fields
6.5.2 Large Systems Can not Be Analyzed
6.5.3 Objects Are Kept Alive
6.5.4 Exceptions Are Not Handled
6.5.5 Finalizers Are Not Handled
6.6 Overcoming Limitations
6.6.1 Fields
6.6.2 Large Systems
6.6.3 Calling Methods from Different Contexts
6.7 Summary
7 Implementation
7.1 C implementation of RTRC……

Author: Ritzau, Tobias

Source: Linköping University

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