Positioning and the creation of a brand personality are becoming more and more important to companies as they try and reach out to customers. As competition becomes harder for nearly all companies and organizations it is becoming more and more important to have that “little extra,” that something that makes you different from your competitors. Based on this, the purpose of this thesis is to provide a better understanding on an organization’s brand identity. In order to reach this purpose, two research questions are stated focusing on the components of positioning as well as a description of the brand personality. Using the research questions as a guide, a literature study was conducted resulting in a conceptual framework which guided the data collection. A qualitative, case study methodology was used, using focus group interviews to collect empirical evidence. The findings indicate that there can be a conflict in how the brand is positioned in the target markets mind and the brand personality perceived in contrast to the positioning and personality wanted by the brand owner/manager. By identifying the traits and positions of the brand, the brand identity can be better understood.
Author: Olsson, Anna; Sandru, Catalina
Source: LuleƄ University of Technology
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