Process of a Pharmaceutical Care Service

Community pharmacy practice is moving towards patient care and away from the mere dispensing of medicines. In this movement, which is guided by the philosophy of Pharmaceutical care (PC), new counselling services emerge.The purpose of the thesis was to add knowledge about the real-world provision of PC services by studying a defined PC service in Swedish pharmacies.Specific aims of this thesis were to investigate the experiences of professionals working with or close to the service and to describe the content of consultations, counselling behaviour and patterns of follow-up. Further aims were to characterise patients receiving the service and describe their perceived outcomes, in relation to standard service…


The objectives of this research
Shifting the focus in community pharmacy
Pharmaceutical care in theory
Definitions of pharmaceutical care
Process of pharmaceutical care
Role of community pharmacists
Basic and continuing education
Collaboration between community pharmacists and physicians
Community pharmacist – patient relationship
Patients’ perspectives of medicine taking
Non-optimal drug therapy
Drug-related problems
Drug-related morbidity, mortality and costs
Pharmaceutical care in practice
Implementation of pharmaceutical care services
Evidence base of PC services in community pharmacy
Evaluation and outcomes
The Swedish community pharmacy setting
Pharmaceutical care-oriented activities in Sweden
Study population
Paper I
Paper II
Paper III
Paper IV
Focus groups (Paper I)
Telephone interviews (Paper I)
Database review (Paper II)
Non-participant observations (Paper III)
Cross-sectional survey (Paper IV)
Data collection instruments and assessments
Topic guide (Paper I)
Interview guide (Paper I)
Patient and service characteristics (Paper II)
Counselling behaviour and content of consultations (Paper III)
Questionnaire (Paper IV)
Analysis of qualitative data (Papers I and III)
Analysis of quantitative data (Papers II and IV)
Ethical considerations
Summary of findings
Paper I
Paper II
Paper III
Paper IV
Methodological considerations
Qualitative methods
Quantitative methods
Pharmacy practice implications
Follow-up evaluations
Counselling behaviour
Implications on role development
Meeting patients’ needs and expectations
Collaboration with physicians
The link between the PC process and the outcomes of drug therapy
Context of this study
Future perspectives
Summary in Swedish

Author: Montgomery, Anna

Source: Uppsala University Library

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