The influence of People: The Service Marketing benefits of training

In the past years the competition in the restaurant trade is increasing. There is more choice for the customers and thereby the restaurants have to work harder to attract customers. One way is to Market themselves differently. In this research we are studying one way of diversifying Service Marketing, namely through people. Especially in the restaurant sector the frontline employee is an essential part of the service. We argue that by improving the Internal Marketing a business can ensure, through Human Resource Management, to have a service-minded and customer-oriented workforce, motivated to deliver Service Quality. Further, by strengthening the Internal Branding the workforce will work in unity with the internal and external brand, being more willing and committed to deliver high quality services. We aim to find that through having well trained frontline employees the customer will know a difference and have a better experience when visiting the restaurant.Three restaurants in the Umeå market have been chosen for our study. To collect data from these restaurants we have conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews. The contributions of this study were that training, and especially learning by doing and experience, is crucial in learning ones job according to the respondents…


1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research Problem
1.3 Purpose
2. Theory
2.1 Service Marketing
2.1.2 People
2.1.3 The Gap Model
2.1.4 Internal Marketing
2.1.5 Internal Branding
2.1.6 Service Marketing theory conclusion
2.2 Human Resource Management
2.2.1 Corporate Culture as a competitive tool
2.2.2 Service Quality in the HRM context
2.2.3 Training as an HR tool
2.2.4 Human Resource Management theory conclusion
2.3 Model
3. Methodology
3.1 Preconceptions
3.2 View of reality and knowledge
3.3 Research strategy
3.4 Scientific approach
3.5 Research design and method for data collection
3.6 Choice of subject
3.7 Choice of sources
3.8 Presentation of Restaurants and Respondents
3.8.1 Bishops Arms
3.8.2 Pipes of Scotland
3.8.3 E-Pub
3.9 Conducting the interviews and treating the data
3.10 Literature search and criticism
4. Empirical data and Analysis
4.1 Quickly looking back
4.2 What is training according to the respondents?
4.3 Revised Model
4.4 Service Marketing analysis
4.5 Internal Marketing analysis
4.6 Internal Branding among respondents
4.6.1 Influences of training on IB
4.6.2 Training Corporate Culture to strengthen IB
4.6.3 IB concluded
4.7 The outcomes of training
4.7.1 Added Confidence
4.7.2 Empowerment
4.7.3 Motivation
4.7.4 Employee Satisfaction
4.7.5 Experience
4.8 Training’s effects on Service Quality
4.8.1 Increasing reliability through standards and routines
4.9 Closing The Customer Gap
4.9.1 Recovery and fair treat
4.10 The importance of “willpower”
4.11 Our realisation of the empirical data
5. Discussion and Conclusions
5.1 Discussing the purposes of the study
5.1.1 Sub-purpose 1: The importance of training
5.1.2 Sub-purpose 2: Subsequent affect on Service Quality
5.1.3 Sub-purpose 3: Subsequent affect on The Customer Gap
5.1.4 Main purpose: Training’s subsequent affect on Service Marketing
5.2 Internal Branding
5.2.1 Mutually accepted values
5.2.2 Full Time Vs Part Time
5.2.3 Motivate Brand commitment
5.2.4 IB realisation within SM
5.2.5 Concluding IB
5.3 Internal Marketing
5.3.1 Training can improve SQ through IM
5.4 Service Marketing
5.5 Service Quality and The Customer Gap
5.6 Contribution and theory development
5.6.1 Experience counts as training
5.6.2 Reciprocal Commitment
5.6.3 Brand Modification
5.6.4 Balance between Standardisation and Empowerment
5.7 Further studies
6. Quality criteria
6.1 Limitations
6.2 Trustworthiness
6.2.1 Credibility and Respondent Validation (Internal Validity)
6.2.2 Transferability (External Validity
6.2.3 Dependability (Reliability)
6.2.4 Confirmability (Objectivity)
6.3 Authenticity
6.3.1 Fairness
6.4 Overall quality judgements
7. List of References
7.1 Literature
7.2 Scientific articles
7.3 Electronic sources
7.4 Oral sources
Appendix A

Author: Spetz, Emma,Butler, Laurence

Source: Umea University

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